S. Ghon Rhee, Ph.D.
K. J. Luke Distinguished Professor of International Banking and Finance Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii
Dr. Rhee received his BA from Seoul National University Law School, MBA from Rutgers University, and Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. He is holding the K. J. Luke Distinguished Professor of International Banking and Finance. He served as the managing editor of the Pacific-Basin Finance Journal from 1993-2017, a premier academic journal focusing on Asia-Pacific capital markets and financial systems. He is currently holding a Chair Professorship at the National Central University of Taiwan and he served as adjunct professor at Monash University (Australia) in 2011-2017.
Donald Lien, Ph.D.
Richard S. Liu Distinguished Chair in Business and Professor of Economics, University of Texas at San Antonio
Chair Professor, National Taiwan Normal University
Dr. Lien is a world-renowned researcher who has published more than 300 papers in academic journals in the fields of economics, finance, and statistics. He earned his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Lien is currently the Richard S. Liu Distinguished Chair in Business at UTSA.
Dr. Lien’s primary field of interest is in the financial market with supporting areas in statistics, econometrics, and development economics. He has served as a reviewer for more than 50 academic journals and has twice received the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award in Research from UTSA. His teaching honors include the Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence and the Excellence in Teaching Award from the University of Kansas.